Traditionally, patients who suffered from advanced gum recession had only one treatment option: surgical soft tissue grafting. Today, a revolutionary technique allows doctors to restore gum health with less bleeding, discomfort, and post-operative pain. This new approach allows Dr . Devang Gandhi to move healthy gum tissue into the treatment area using just a small pinhole, rather than making a large incision and grafting tissue into place. Like any surgery, it is important to understand the risks of The Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique® at our Brampton dental practice. Compared to traditional periodontal surgery, this method greatly reduces the patients' risk of complications. With The Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique®, Dr . Devang Gandhi is able to consistently achieve outstanding results for periodontal treatment patients. If you suffer from receding gums and would like to learn more about this minimally invasive treatment, please contact our office to make an appointment with Dr . Devang Gandhi.
During a traditional soft tissue grafting procedure, the doctor removes a small piece of gingival tissue, typically from the roof of the mouth, and sutures it into place where the gums have receded. Although the treatment is not as invasive as some other oral surgeries, soft tissue grafting does involve incisions, stitches, and some degree of pain. Patients will commonly experience discomfort for several days following their procedure. They may encounter complications from eating certain foods or accidentally brush or floss too close to the sutures or treatment area. This can slow healing and increase the risk of developing infection. The traditional gum grafting procedure is an effective treatment for recession, but with the advent of the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique®, it poses an unneeded risk of complications for the patient.
To utilize The Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique®, your doctor will create a tiny hole in the gums above the tooth that has experienced recession. Through this small opening, Dr . Devang Gandhi will gently move the surrounding soft tissue into place, covering the sensitive root of the tooth. With this method, we are able to eliminate all of the risks that are associated with incisions and sutures. Additionally, this minimally invasive procedure does not require any sedation or general anesthesia, so there are no concerns over complications arising from these aspects of the surgery.
Patients routinely comment that they experience very little pain or discomfort after undergoing The Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique®. With traditional soft tissue grafting procedures, patients can typically return to their normal routines within one to two days. With The Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique®, patients can return to work and other activities immediately following their procedure.
With a shortened recovery time, the chances of any post-operative complications from regular oral hygiene practices are greatly reduced. Patients should understand there is still a small risk of developing an infection, swelling, or tenderness, but these side effects are rare. Choosing a care provider who is trained in the technique, like Dr . Devang Gandhi, can further ensure your health and safety.
If you suffer from gum recession, consider the advantages of choosing a less invasive treatment that minimizes the associated risks of surgery. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and learn more about the many benefits of The Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique®.